Programming Languages
The major difficulties that I encountered on scratch was getting the costumes to go exactly where I wanted them to go. I overcame this difficulty by watching tutorials and just sticking to it. It took hours to complete my first go round, but the second was much more of a breeze. The insights that I have gained in regards to programming is that every program is unique. Each program has been created to perform different tasks and accommodate the programmer in different ways that are needed.
My experience programming scratch with the participating activities in the sections in regards to language was very hands on. I felt like I was primarily working on CPU and machine language and assembly language with scratch because it was me inputting commands to get the correct output. Between the sections 2.8 - 2.11 it was more of a learning experience than a hands on one. I personally prefer only using scratch but then again I did need the outline and definition of the different languages.
Types of Programming Languages
For instance, Python Language his particular language would be most effectively used while using java script or things like it to create things such as websites. Machine Language on the other hand is a program that would be most effective while trying to print a form off of the computer and connecting to a printer. The Assembly Language Programmer creates instructions to assemble expected procedures. Lastly, in the High level program language, I would say that someone is operating a machine. Instead of relying solely on technology, humans have more of an impact.
Nevertheless, the programming language that has been proven to be the most efficient is Java Script. Java Script is known to be really easy to learn, easily accessible, and has powerful high-level data-processing operations. Javascript and Python are extremely similar but what sets them apart is that Java relies on statically typed and compiled language unlike python relies on dynamically typed interpreted language.
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